A Literacy Activity as Easy as A-B-C!

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Guide Families to Continue Literacy Learning at Home with an Easy and Fun Literacy Activity


Literacy skills are important predictors of children’s later achievement. For this reason, building a solid foundation for letter knowledge is an essential prekindergarten goal. Did you know that research indicates children should know at least 15 or more letters by the end of pre-K?


Share the following activity with families, so they can help their children continue developing letter knowledge while at home.


Early Literacy Learning Activity for Families


You can help your child continue to acquire the key literacy skills they’ve been learning in the classroom while at home. All you need is the Connect4Learning Alphabet Chart.


Learning the names and sounds of alphabet letters is an important preschool skill that supports learning to read. An alphabet chart is a great teaching tool you can use to support your child’s early literacy development.


Learn how you can interact with your child, using your Connect4Learning Alphabet Chart.


  • Sing an alphabet song with your child as you point to each letter.
  • Name letters, one at a time, for your child to point to.
  • Point to letters, one at a time, for your child to name.
  • Point to letters, one at a time, and ask your child to say its sound.
  • Point to letters, one at a time, and ask your child to say a word that starts with that letter. If your child says the word that is pictured on the chart (dog for Dd), ask for another word starting with that same letter.
